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Sunday July 29th

Check in 2-5PM. All Cars must be checked in & etched by 5pm!

5PM PowerWheels for Kids

6PM Featured Derby

Limited Weld
$1200, $900, $400, $250, $100

90’s and Newer
$600, $400, $200, $100, $100

90’s and Newer-Women
$600, $400, $300, $100, $100

$500, $300, $200, $100, $50

$1400, $1000, $800, $600, $400

IMPS/Lincolns Allowed

Driver must be minimum of 16 years of age with valid drivers license. ONE DRIVER ONLY in free. Pit Pass $10 in addition to admission fee. Pits Close 1 hour prior to start. NO ALCOHOL IN PIT AREA. All other individuals 13 and older subject to gate admission fees.

Cody Henderson 402-369-3388 & Jim Ferneau 402-369-2313, Superintendents.