November 2020 Meetings
Regular Meeting Notice
The Wayne County Agricultural Society will hold its’ regular monthly meeting on Thursday, the 12th day of November 2020, at 8:00 PM, at the Fair Office, 301 Pheasant Run Road, Wayne, Nebraska. The agenda for this meeting is available for public inspection at the Nebraska Extension in Wayne County office and at the below links
Due to the high risk of COVID-19 and the governors new health directives as of November 11, 2020, we will be required to wear mask, since we will not be able to social distance and we will be in close contact for more than 15 minutes.
If you do not have a cloth mask, there are masks at the fair office.
If you do not feel comfortable attending the meeting in person, please let me know and I will add you to the zoom meeting.
Diane Roeber, Secretary
Wayne County Agricultural Society
Annual Meeting Notice
The Wayne County Agricultural Society will hold its’ annual meeting on Thursday, the12th day of November 2020, 7:30 PM at the Wayne County Fair Office, 301 Pheasant Run Road, Wayne, Nebraska. The meeting will include the Election of Directors and officers and all registered voters are eligible to participate in the annual meeting and voting. The Agenda for this meeting is available for public inspection at the Nebraska Extension in Wayne County office and at
Diane Roeber, Secretary
Wayne County Agricultural Society